Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Quelle heure est-il?

The clocks a tickin',
2 weeks till the shoot, Every stich counts!
I am feeling a bit stressed.... and hungry.
Hand sewing makes you want a snack,
Every time you pass a section of work,
you think 'yeah... that bits done... kettle on biscuits out'.
All the painful little bits now.
Hand set linings and fastenings make for a labour intensive couple of weeks!
More alterations
Fine tuning
Its all got to be perfect for the shoot.
The branding is coming together too.

Saturday, 9 August 2014


It's about 5 Weeks before the collection and website is ready to be seen by all!
So I'm sorry if the blog is a bit sparse.
We're on Edge.
Organizing, stitching, chest infection, trying to loose a few pounds..
It's all go.
We just keep stitching.
The reason we wanted to keep this blog is that we hope people can appreciate the outcome from all this effort. So people can see the steps we've taken.
That two people who work all day full time at their jobs, come home to an attic, by hand and on domestic machines, can achieve a vision.
We'll see.