Monday, 30 June 2014

Dirty Cash i need you Whoa!

Car Boot!
We held a car boot sale on Sunday morning.
To raise money for a good cause....
We need some big cash for little things like
Photos, Printing, and an Official Website!
We did really well despite the weather, I've already spent it.
A big thank you to Ruby for looking Cute, and to My boyfriend Steven,
who owns the Car.
Can't do a Car boot with out a CAR!
Things are coming together nicely,
we're still making small changes, which are inevitable.
But the pressure is on, so, not too many changes!
Couture is just as beautiful on the inside as the outside,
and takes just as much consideration and dedication.
There's a chance we maybe published in the Local Press this August?
...Watch this space.

Monday, 16 June 2014

Beyond Busy


Work continues in our little studio making big Treasures.
We have so much to do in the next couple of weeks, fittings, photos, web sights, and weight loss....?
Well... Don't push it.
I love the details in what we do, which is unfortunate for me and my limited stock of Patience.
 Emma has an eye for finish, and i like to make things complicated.
But there's a Rendezvous where Beauty Triumphs over technical deliberation.
and it looks Très Jollie.
As always, Eye on the Prize.


I have won a competition.
 Hand & Lock Master Embroiders, announced a competition to win the chance of having an outsider be involved with their First Ready to Wear collection.
The outsider is Moi!
I was over the moon! I was invited to spent the day at the London Studio just off Oxford Circus a couple of weeks ago and had a wonderful time, looking through samples and talking about the logistics of the outfit i had designed.
The team are a truly talented group of Artisans, crafts people and designers,
What a designer like me could do with skills like that.... is scary.
I was in Love.
I hope that this will be the first steps
 in a wonderful journey with Hand & Lock.
Read More Here