Sometime, I wish I hadn't started a particular design.
People don't realize what goes into making clothes, especially from scratch.....
with no staff..... on domestic machines!
Designing can be a very mind taxing job,
its not just about drawing pretty dresses and colouring in...
A tutor once told me-
'it's not enough to just be creative'
and he was right.
A good designer has to be
an engineer, an architect, and have the possession of good
Technical awareness is mandatory in this particular method of working.
There has to be a way in, a way out, it as to be comfortable and of course it has to look hot!
It looks a mess I know....
Believe me, i'm on edge.
I do get stressed out, but not for lack of skill,
i'm impatient.
All i can see is the finish line, and i want to get there soooo fast that I have a little breakdown.
Take a minuet to calm yourself,
step back and walk around... pretend your wearing it, and think to yourself (our out loud... I do- do that) is this working?
Actually this particular article was a last minuet addition to the line up,
one Emma, wasn't so sure about.
But recently I heard a quote....
'Instincts are Everything,
We ignore them at our peril'
So.... i'm doing it.
...She loves it now.